St Ives High School

Respect Perseverance Growth

Telephone02 9144 1689

Parent Quick Links

Parent Quick Links

For more nformation on Bell Times and school hours, please click here: 

St Ives High School Bell Times

School Attendance

Parents can contact the school for all attendence matters via:

  1. Sentral Parent Portal (Absences button)  and/or
  2. Emailing the attendance email address at and/or
  3. Telephoning the school office at (02) 9144 1689
  4. Write a signed and dated note. Notes to be handed to school office before recess.

Year 11 -12 Absence/Misadventure/Illness forms and information

The following form relates to Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12) students:

Illness and Misadventure Forms for Years 11 and 12 During Exam Times

More information can be found on Absences/Attendance tab.

 Sentral Parent Portal  : This administrative portal provides access to your child’s timetable, attendance record and also has daily notices on school activities.

This is where you can notify the school if your child is not attending school for the day.

This is also where you will find your child’s academic reports, the school calendar, as well as personalised learning plans and adjustments, and positive behaviour records. 

If you have difficulty connection to your Sentral Parent Portal or have forgotton your family Key, please contact the school by emailing

Our school has implemented a system called School Bytes to manage payments and permission notes electronically. Parents/carers can visit the School Bytes portal at any time to complete and sign permission notes, make a payment online, view payment history and apply credit. 

More information can be found here...

For information and ordering


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CDC School Bus Timetable

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St Ives High School's mobile phone policy has changed since 2022 and as of term 4, 2023, the use of phones is no longer allowed during the school day across NSW public schools. See here for more information.

Please view the document BYOD Specification outlining the minimal specifications suitable for students. This document will be updated each year inline with current technological standards.

Students can print at the library, by using the credit on their student ID. More credit can be added by making payments (Please contact school accounts for assistance). 

For more information, please read more here.

St Ives High School offers a wide range of extra curricular activites. You can read more about these activites, along with when they take place here.

Please check Sentral Daily Notices for any additions/changes.

Approved Providers:

  • Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
  • Anglican Diocese of Sydney
  • NSW Board of Jewish Education
  • Buddhist Council of NSW
  • Baha'i Council for South Eastern Australia

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The SchoolTV platform provides schools with an extensive range of wellbeing resources for parents, so they can work together in partnership to ensure better wellbeing for all students.

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Next School Tour

Please visit our Home Page for more information.

Our school uses Sentral School Management platform to organise and create future events for our school. 

View our Sentral School Calendar for the latest information on events happening at our school.