St Ives High School music and band program
St Ives High School (SIHS) offers great extra-curricular opportunities to students to show off their talents.
Band program
The St Ives High School band program has been established to give students the attention needed to build successful bands and ensembles with performance and learning opportunities across all musical genres. The program currently consists of Concert Band, Stage Band, String Ensemble, Vocal Ensemble and various Rock Bands.
Since 2012, St Ives High School has been focusing on reinvigorating the band program through extending rehearsal time and providing additional performance opportunities including camps, regional tours, eisteddfods, music spectaculars, school based performances and other events.
As part of the reinvigoration of the band program, students are offered the chance to learn an instrument at school through the music tutorial program. Lessons are provided on a rotating roster during school hours with professional musicians teaching each instrument. In the last 12 months, the school has taken on 6 music tutors to accommodate the growing number of students learning instruments and musicianship, and is taking on more as required.
Concert band
The St Ives High School concert band is an exciting opportunity for students from Year 7 to Year 12 who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument. The band rehearses every week under the direction of an experienced band conductor. Performance opportunities for the concert band will also be made available throughout the year. Repertoire performed by the concert band consists of a mix of popular music, film and TV music, light classics and marches.
Stage band
Students in concert band may be invited to participate in Stage band when spaces arise. Positions are open to students from all years by audition and invitation, but the Stage band is predominantly a senior ensemble, which performs for school functions and HSC exams. Students who are accepted into the stage band will be expected to remain in the concert band. The Stage band is for students who have a demonstrated sense of jazz style and playing techniques.
String ensemble
This ensemble provides an opportunity for string players from Years 7 to 12 to combine in a small, close-knit performance group with a broad repertoire of both classical and popular styles. The ensemble performs for many school functions as well as community events.
Vocal ensemble
This is a newly formed ensemble, established to give students performance opportunities while developing their musical skills in a group setting. It will function in a similar manner to the other bands/ensembles with set rehearsals, performances and camps/tours.
Rock bands
Rock bands are formed from students studying instruments in the music tutorial program or playing in the band program. Bands are supervised by a music teacher and rehearse one session per week, commencing when individuals are ready. Students will also have the opportunity to perform at school functions and concerts. All students who wish to be part of the rock bands are also encouraged to be part of one of the other bands or ensembles.
For more information on Music and Band Program at SIHS , please email the school here.
Performing Arts Unit
For more information about St Ives High School PAU programs, please email the school here.