St Ives High School

Respect Perseverance Growth

Telephone02 9144 1689

Parents and Citizens

Welcome to St Ives High School Community (Parents & Citizens' Association - P&C)

The P&C aims to develop a strong school community and partnership between the staff, the students and the parents so that St Ives High School (SIHS) can continue to provide a quality education that turns out well-rounded students.

This is truly an outstanding school in so many ways and that takes great students, terrific staff and parents, families and friends that are closely involved in any number of ways. We really do appreciate the funds and time volunteered by parents to support the school and welcome new families.

What we do

SIHS P&C promotes student welfare and provides many extra-curricular opportunities for students as well as facilities and equipment for the school.

The P&C receives regular updates and reports from the Principal and provides feedback from our parent body on school-related issues. The P&C works hard to try to ensure that parental views are represented. A recent example of this is the 2020 anonymous on-line parent surveys from Years 7 and 12 parents run by P&C volunteers to gather feedback from parents regarding specific areas of school life at SIHS. The data from these surveys is actively being used as part of the school planning process. 

We help the school in 3 ways:

  • We propose ways in which areas of school activity can be improved, or new activities introduced. Some of these ideas arise at P&C meetings, others are identified within the responses to joint P&C and school surveys.
  • We volunteer to help (eg, in the uniform shop, on the grounds, at events). "Just One Thing" has also enabled us to identify highly-valued expertise within the school parent body.
  • We help financially through our voluntary contributions and other income (ie. uniform shop). The money we raise enables us to support areas of activity and services which would otherwise not exist, to the benefit of every single student.

Please visit our website at for more information and exciting news and articles.

Who We Are

We are a community of volunteer members that work together, and alongside the school.

We are one family with a common goal.

We are YOU.

2024 P&C Office Bearers and Committee Members

To know more about who the current Office Bearers or Committee members are, visit Who We Are on P&C website.

Any of the committee members can be contacted by emailing us at

We would love to hear from you and you are most welcome to join us on our P&C general meetings

Each school year at St Ives High School gets a group representation through the P&C. The purpose of the P&C Year Group Representative is to help parents become part of the St Ives High School community and by helping to bring families together and helping them build new networks. They also organise outings and socials which are very important in keeping up with the high school life.

Your 2024 Parent Representatives are:

If you would like to contact your P&C Year Coordinator/s please send an email marked for their attention to the above email addresses or

The P&C meets at least twice, during each school term in the Multi-Function Space (MFS) room in the admin building.

All meetings start at 7:30pm sharp.

All parents and interested citizens are very welcome!

2024 P&C Meeting dates are:

  • 22 February

  • 28 March

  • 23 May

  • 27 June

  • 15 August

  • 19 September

  • 7 November Annual General Meeting

  • 12 December

Notices and agenda will be placed in the school newsletter or by subscribing to our updates. Minutes will be available soon on our website at

For all queries regarding meetings contact us on

Click the button and complete the form to keep up to date with P&C and Year Group activities, meetings and invitations to important events, study forums, and school surveys. (NB. For privacy reasons the school does not disclose student/parent details to third parties.)

What is the P&C Voluntary Contribution? 

An annual voluntary contribution of $240 is asked from each family to support carefully selected projects that are agreed with the Principal. Families are welcome to contribute more regularly and at a higher level should they wish to do so. All contributions are welcome, valued and acknowledged. 

Additional funds are raised through the uniform shop, locker hire, and special events. Sponsorship and grant funding also provide extra funds. St Ives High School (SIHS) partners with organisations whose values align with the school's and are focused on the local community.

For more information, contact

In March 2020, the St Ives High P&C and the school formed a Transport and Traffic Working Group to investigate transport and traffic issues that affected the SIHS Community so that we can lobby for change. We reached out to our "feeder" primary schools in the northern and St Ives catchment areas through a survey. Our goal is to have a student transport plan that:

  • is fair and safe for all students
  • is sustainable
  • minimizes congestion in the area around SIHS

For more information visit the existing Traffic & Transport Page here.

For Bush Regeneration information, CLICK HERE

To find out more and to volunteer for Bush Regeneration Action Days, email Sandie. 

For next Action Day, see Events page.

Uniform Shop Subcommittee

More information about the subcommittee can be found by emailing the Uniform Shop Convenor

---------->To purchase uniforms, CLICK HERE<----------

---------->To Volunteer at uniform shop, CLICK HERE<----------

Grounds Care 

For more information CLICK HERE

Travel & Transport

For more information CLICK HERE

The St Ives High School (SIHS) parents and citizens (P&C) Small Grants Programme began in 2015. The programme supports many and varied projects across the school. Funds are allocated to projects that benefit the school, the teaching staff, and promote welfare, enjoyment and recreation of the students.

The process of allocating funds is transparent and equitable and applications can be submitted by SIHS teachers, students and parents. 

Monies received from the annual P&C voluntary levy ($240 per family) are used to support the P&C Small Grants Programme. 

Small Grants Application Form can be accessed here. (Please download the pdf file and fill in using Adobe or similar, or hand write) Please scan and email to

For more info on the key responsibilities of the P&C Executive Officer positions, follow the links below:

Please find below St Ives High School parents and citizens (P&C) association's important documents.

Notices and agenda for all upcoming P&C meetings will be advertised in the school newsletter.