At St Ives High there are well established leadership programs available to students. This initiative is supported by the parents and citizens association (P&C) with many opportunities for students from Years 7 to 12. To encourage greater student involvement we have a leadership register which will allow staff to select students based on interest and experience for leadership opportunities as they become available. Forms should be submitted to the school office.
The Student Representative Council (SRC)
This includes the captains and vice captains, and representatives from each year group, voted by their peers.
House captains
They represent their Houses and encourage participation and involvement in all school activities from carnivals to academic endeavours earning points for the Annual House Trophy.
Peer leaders
Peer leaders are Year 10 students who apply in Year 9, and take part in a program to guide Year 7 students in their first year of high school.
Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh is a worldwide activities program where participants, aged 14 or more select and set objectives in each of the following areas: volunteering, physical activities, practical and social skills and expeditions.
Tournament of minds (TOM)
TOM is a problem solving program for teams of students from both primary and secondary years, who compete against each other each year.
Inter school debating and public speaking
Inter school debating is a regional competition run through the arts unit.
Mock trials and mock mediation
These are competitions run by the Law Society of the University of New South Wales, open to selected Years 10 or 11 students. Students learn about the law and judicial system by running a court case in a true-to-life adversarial setting. Students also learn invaluable advocacy and debating skills at the same time.
Interact is Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18, sponsored by St Ives Rotary which provides support and guidance. Each year at least two community service projects are completed, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill.
Student volunteering activities
Student volunteering activities harnesses student skills and interests to enable them to help the wider community.
Environmental team
A group of students work with parents to consider ways to improve environmental issues around the school.
Individual activities
Individual activities include the National Schools' Constitutional Convention, NSW Parliament Young Womens Seminar, Lions Youth of the Year, United Nations Youth Council.
This year there will be a range of new initiatives for students who wish to learn leadership skills, and those who want to put their existing skills into practice. Throughout the year there will be workshops, conferences and group and individual opportunities offered in the classroom, as extra curricula activities and externally. Students should register their interest and look in the school newsletter and daily notices for this information.
Students don't have to be school captains or house captains to be considered leaders. We encourage our students to be leaders in the classroom and playground, through their support for other students, or their involvement in academic, sporting, cultural or community events and projects.