St Ives High School

Respect Perseverance Growth

Telephone02 9144 1689

Frequently asked questions

  1. Who is the Principal of St Ives High School?  Principal's Message
  2. Who are the Deputy Principals at St Ives High School?  Staff
  3. Who are the Stage Head Teachers? Staff
  4. Who are the Head Teachers at St Ives High School?  Staff
  5. Who is the School Counsellor? Staff
  6. Who is the Careers Adviser? View Staff.
  7. Who are the Year Advisers?  Staff
  8. Who are the School Captains? Student leadership
  9. What are the school hours?  School hours
  10. What happens to students before and after school?  Before and after school
  11. What is the student's code of conduct?  Code of conduct
  12. What do I need to know about using email, the internet and intranet at school? View Email, internet and intranet.
  13.  What do I need to do about the use of mobile phones? View SIHS moblie phone policy 
  14. What to do if a student is feeling sick? View Feeling sick.
  15. What to do if a student is late for school? View School hours
  16. What about student absences? View Handling absences
  17. When can I meet my child's teachers? View Meeting my child's teacher
  18. When are school reports distributed? View School report dates
  19. Do you have a technology guide (BYOD) for Parents? View BYOD Technology
  20. What is the drawing area for the school? Use the School Finder to find your school.
  21. How is student achievement acknowledged? View Scholarships and awards.
  22. What do I do if I have a question for a teacher? View the St Ives High School communication flow chart
  23. Where can I find the St Ives High School assessment policies? View Assessment and reporting
  24. Where can I find the St Ives High School Parent Portal? View Student and parent links